Thursday 23 July 2015

Flexible dieting (IIFYM) for dummies (like me!

I have received so many questions regarding my diet and at times it is quite a challenge explaining exactly what it entails. I have put down the basics and hope this might help explain things clearly.

*This is what has worked for me and does not necessarily mean it will work for you!

Flexible dieting aka IIFYM (if it fits your macros) is a diet based on hitting daily targets (you macros). What the heck are macros you ask? Protein, carbs, and fats are called macronutrients - hence macros. "Hitting your macros" is (in short) monitoring your intake of these macronutrients to keep the proper balance of nutrients in your body. It already sounds extremely complicated I know! But keep going, it will become clearer.

Macros are calculated individually (as we are all our kind kind of special!) based on your own goals (weight loss, building muscle, gaining weight, maintaining, ect) and activity level. There are many online calculators which can give you a rough estimate of what it would look like for you for example . I would however recommend getting this done by someone qualified in nutrition. Also you will need to invest in a food scale!

So now you have your macros, now here comes the fun part. You can eat anything you want as long as it fits into your macros. Anything? Yes anything! Now this does not mean that I am filling my diet with cookies and pizza as things such as fiber intake are also counted for. Have you been hit fit a wave of disappointment now? IIFYM can be misleading as social media is flooded with photos of donuts, cookies and chocolate with hastags #iifym , but this is however not the reality and once again your macros are based on you individually. Now,  not all hope is lost! My diet consists for about 80% out of wholesome and healthy foods and this leaves room for some "treats"(as long as they fit into my macros offcourse!). In short I eat healthy, and I can eat 2 Oreos (unfortunately for me the whole pack does not fit into my macros) per day and still lose weight for example.

Why IIFYM then? Well take a Grilled Chicken burger and put it next to some brown rice and tuna. Both of these contain the exact same amount of macro ingredients (25grams of Protein, 33grams of Carbs and 15 grams of fat). When you eat this your body will not know which one is healthy and which isn't and it only breaks down the exact same macro nutrients. For me the choice is easy - hand me the chicken burger! Another point to consider is that you need to know what you are eating. The only way to lose weight is with a calorie deficit (basically burning more that what you are consuming). If you’re not in a calorie deficit you can eat all the “clean foods” you want and go nowhere.

I use my myfitnesspal  to track my food intake. This is a great tool, but there are many other ones available too.

I know that IIFYM can seem daunting and complicated. But once you get started and get used to it it becomes easy and is now a part of my daily life.

My next post will give you an insight into exactly what I eat per day. (there will be cookies, but in moderation!)

1 comment:

  1. Those look really similar to the Hue dieting that I wear. I'll have to give those a try and compare them to see which I like better.
