Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Do I even lift?

''Do I even lift?'' Hmmmm, if anyone asked me this at the moment my answer would currently be: I don't know, maybe, a little, like I kinda lift, I think....

I have only been doing this lifting thing for a year, and I still feel clumsy and totally not confident while doing so.Put me in an aerobics class or on a running track and I know my stuff. I go for it and I can push myself, and I even enjoy pushing myself. But with weights it's a different story, they scare me somehow. While running I can always push myself that extra kilometer, or push myself to run harder or faster, but I struggle to push through most of the last reps while lifting.

Why this is? I think it has to do with a fear of not being as strong as the ''boys''. But after thinking about this why should I care who is stronger? I go running twice a week, so I can call myself a runner. I am in the gym 5 times a week so why can't I say yeah bro I totally lift? So my challenge to myself is to stop being afraid of the weights. Pick them up, put them down and repeat. And hopefully soon I will be stronger than the boys. No wait not soon, because I kinda am already nearly just as strong as the boys. 

So what is my message? Less doubt equals more reps and higher weights which equals more awesomeness a.k.a gains.

Fearless and Strong! Do it! And if someone asks, yeah I lift bitch. 

Saturday, 8 August 2015

How do I survive being a working mom?

I have 2 kids. 2 small kids. 2 small and busy kids. I also have a husband. This counts as a 3rd kid. I have a full time job of 40 hours per week. I have no family here to help with babysitting. My husband works weekends and evenings. I have a household to run with no cleaner. I like to stay up to date with Grey's Anatomy and The Walking Dead. And I like to drag my ass to the gym 6 times per week. Oh yes and we also have a pet rabbit that occasionally needs to be fed and given water.

How do I do it? I have no idea, and sometimes I do get overwhelmed with everything, but here are a few of my tips on how to survive being a working mom and fitting exercise into your life:

1. Caffeine! Lots of it. I know this is not the healthiest of things, but I would struggle to function without it. Weekends especially.

2. Be organized and plan ahead! ''Fail to prepare and prepare to fail'' is so true in this case. Keep a calendar and make a meal plan. Mondays are the worst for me, this is also the busiest of days. Usually on a Sunday evening I already prepare dinner for Monday. This way when we get home from school and work all I have to do it is heat it up and serve. Making breakfast the night before is also a lifesaver!

3.Stay calm! I find that more organized I am the calmer I am (see point 2 ). Kids also get stressed when you get stressed. There used to be a point when I would constantly be cleaning, after 5 minutes it would be messy again (welcome to life with kids!). So instead of getting up and starting cleaning again, go and sit and play with your kids. I can guarantee you that the house will stay as messy as if when you went to clean. Life is too short to worry about a constantly clean house with no sticky fingerprints everywhere.

4. Quality family time. This is so important. You need to create and build on your bond with your kids. As I have limited time with them, I try to make the times we have together count. Give them your(calm, see point 3)  attention.

5. Embrace the chaos! And see it as a challenge!

6. Stop making excuses. If you want it bad enough you will find and make the time for it. And there might even be some time left for Grey's Anatomy - bonus!


Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Step it up!

About 2 years ago I started with a crazy thing called Club Step. This is an aerobics class using an elevated step and then using movements up and around the step. Depending on how much effort you put it you can burn up to 800 calories in 60 minutes!

I do this 1 or 2 times a week and it is so much fun. I look forward to it every Monday. I did this all through my second pregnancy and could not wait to start again after having given birth! Mihaela, the instructor is a tiny ball of fire bursting with so much energy it's contagious! I don't think I have ever met anyone with more motivation and spunk!

Step is something that I started with when I began this journey, it's something that I enjoy (Share the fun as Mihaela always shouts out!). While all the available room in my heart is slowly being filled with my love for lifting, I will always keep a little spot for Step. ♥