Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Taking rest

Lately I have been feeling like an old lady. This is how I am learning to listen to people when they tell me to take rest instead of just rolling my eyes at them:

Just before I left for holiday I threw my back out. I have been having issues with it ever since. I feel uncomfortable while doing squats and deadlifts. I am seeing a physiotherapist and a chiropractor and both have told me to take it 'easy'. Whenever someone says those words i usually just nod politely while cursing them inside my head- like they know how difficult it is to take things easy? I find it extremely difficult holding back and i most definitely can not take things easy.

Well my Duracell-bunny-battery has come to the end of its durable life it seems! So we have my bad old lady back I thought I was doing ok. I adapted my workouts so I would not have to put strain on my back and I upped my cardio. And then in comes a snotty nose and a sore throat - I put this down to just a cold and as I see myself as a tough trooper no cold will ever get me down or hold me back. This tiny cold started last week Friday and Saturday I had plans to do the Colorrun in Utrecht. All snotty and with a headache and my mean 'cant hold me back' attitude I went to Utrecht and ran and got covered in colour. Take that cold! I am a mean machine and can not be held back you see! The run went fine and I thought I was fine untill Saturday evening I woke up during the night shivering and with my whole body aching. Turns out my tiny cold turned into a full blown flu straight from the underworld of death. So 3 days of pains and countless amounts of bodily fluids later we arrive to Tuesday evening and I am finally feeling abit better.

I plan to return back to work tomorrow  and I have been thinking to even go back to the gym. Even though I still feel weak and yucky I feel the need to go , and as I thought about this I realize that it is not really me that WANTS to go to the gym but more I feel I need to go to keep up appearances. I don't want people to think that I have lost all this weight and now I have become lazy and don't see the need to work out anymore. Or I don't want people to see me as weak or as making excuses. Why I feel this? No idea! Should I care about what other people think? Offourse not! But still I do and this needs to change. This is my journey and I am responsible to me (and my old lady body)and no one else.

So instead of just rushing back into my normal Duracell-bunny way of life I am now taking all the advice once given to me where I rolled my eyes and I am taking it easy for the next few days. My body is clearly screaming out for some rest and this time I will listen and give it the proper time to heal and repair. This is also giving more time to think about new goals (and also more time to bake cake but more on this later :-)) . So to my fragile old-lady body: take this time of rest and heal and get better because in a few days we will be back to 'nothing can hold us down', so prepare! And this I say to only myself and my old lady body and no one else.

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